Sunday, January 21, 2007

For once and for all, is it Grimm or Tomlin dammit !!!

This is getting ridiculous, especially for an organization run as effectively as the Pittsburgh Steelers.

First, we talked about the report that stated that the Steelers have picked Mike Tomlin as their next head coach.

Then, ESPN refuted that report, with Chris Mortensen quoting Tomlin that he had not been offered the job.

Then ESPN recanted their own refutement (is that a word ?), stating that they had confirmed with their own Steeler sources that Tomlin was indeed going to be chosen head coach.

However, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review are reporting this morning that Russ Grimm has been chosen as the next head coach. Not only are they claiming that Grimm is the guy, but they also claim that the Steelers have offered Grimm the job, that Grimm has accepted the job, and the decision will be announced Monday at a press conference.

However, ESPN's Chris Mortensen is sticking with his story just now on Sportscenter. Mortensen reports that he is staying with his sources who claim that Tomlin is still the man.

Of course, another wrench could be thrown into this about 7PM tonight if the Bears lose, which would allow the Steelers to interview Ron Rivera again, under the assumption that the Steelers don't make an official announcement today, which I would consider highly unlikely given that the conference championships are today.

If I had to guess, 'cause that's really my only option, I'd say it's Grimm. Seems that the Trib's sources have some pretty specific information relating to Grimm's hiring.

We'll just have to see what happens.

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